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  • Art and Culture | Horse Education Group

    Language Learning Through Art & Culture Horse Education Group Partnership with Giraudo Signature Art The Magic of Foreign Language Immersion and Art In a world where so many children and families do not have access to original art, let Horse Education Group's two-hour language and art club bring a magical artistic journey into your classroom. Here Philippe’s stories and images of Provence come to life and your students can create their own canvases inspired by his art all the while immersing themselves in French language. In partnership with Giraudo Signature , our goal is to make the work of this renowned French artist accessible to children. We will even bring his original brushes and art material, so that your learners can touch, smell, and feel his palate. Students will learn French vocabulary associated with art with the guidance of their native French instructor. Words such as canvas, palette, brush, paint, draw, inspiration, sketch, masterpiece, gallery, original, and artist will be taught to students in a fun and engaging way so that they always remember. Stories, colors, charm, scents, rhythms, and images of Philippe Giraudo will come to life and your students will create their own canvases inspired by the artist while immersing themselves in the target language. Whether your young learners are learning French or are simply interested in the culture and history of France, you can count on us to make this a transformative experience. Horse Education Group bring the original canvases to your school where they are hung throughout the week when the club is taking place. Thus, the children as well as their parents have access to this original artwork. We even bring the artist’s original brushes and art material to this afterschool club, so that your learners can touch, smell, and feel the palate of the artist. Giraudo Signature Art is also highly engaged in bringing the creativity of other French and Francophone artists – as well as international artists – to the classroom. Central to our vision is making art accessible to children and their families. In addition to partnering with elementary, middle, and high school, we partner with art studios and universities. Contact us PICTURES

  • Awards | Horse Education Group

    The Monica Giraudo Love of Teaching Awards Through her passion for education and dedication to ensuring that her students thrived, Monica Giraudo developed French fluency skills in dozens of her students. Her commitment to establishing an emotional connection with her students and bringing joy to their studies was truly exceptional. Though in September 2019, Monica lost a four-year battle with ovarian cancer, her teaching legacy lives on. To honor her memory, Horse Education Group has established an annual Love of Teaching award in her name. The criteria include: The Commitment to creating unique lessons according to the needs of each individual student Teaching excellence and professionalism Loyalty and reliability Patience and kindness Innovation and creativity Instilling confidence in students Inspiring students to excel beyond their potential Ensuring that students experience great joy as they achieve new and unexpected heights in language acquisition The development of unique emotional connections with students Horse Education Group is fortunate to be filled with exceptionally committed and talented teachers. Each year the Board will make the decision based on student feedback that addresses the educational mission of Horse Education Group. The Monica Giraudo Love of Teaching Award will be announced every year on June 27, which is her birthday. WINNER 2024 Marion HANNACHI Horse Education Group is honored to announce the 2024 Monica Giraudo Love of Teaching Award winner: Marion Hannachi Marion has been a loyal and dedicated French teacher for 6 years now, one of our first teachers at Horse Education Group. Students over the years have raved about Marion’s patience, loyalty and kindness, energetic and supportive teaching style, natural ability to inspire the best in her students, dedication to an innovative and personalized curriculum, making learning fun, and the ability to establish unique emotional connections with her students. Among her reviews and recommendations: One mom is a French national living in Ashville, who had looked for an activity during COVID to ensure that her three children could be immersed in French language and culture. Even after in person learning returned, she continued to send her children to Horse Education Group for French lessons. She stated about their teacher Marion: “We are so lucky that we found Marion who has been tutoring my children for three years. She makes learning French very fun and engaging, and she continues to increase their confidence and encourage them.” Please join us in congratulating Marion for the 2024 Monica Giraudo Love of Teaching Award . And thanks as always to our exceptional team of teachers for their dedication, talent, and commitment to their students. 2025 - - 2026 - -

  • Gift Card | HorseEducationGroup

    Fall eGift Card! $50 Offer the gift of learning for the little polyglot learner in your life! ... Read more Amount $50 $60 $200 $240 $250 $400 $480 Other amount Quantity Buy Now

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